¿La sociedad como una 'prisión al aire libre'? 'Crítica cultural y sociedad' como base de una estética de la interacción


  • Christine Resch Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main


cultural criticism, Theodor W. Adorno, artwork, culture industry, immanent criticism, critique of ideology, aesthetics of interaction


This paper analyses the different forms of cultural critique discussed by Adorno in his essay "Cultural Criticism and Society". A proper under­standing of the conditions of possibility of culture and art that Adorno offers to the shared thought and reflection in the aforementioned essay is put in relation to the pro­gramme of an aesthetics of interaction. The first section of the paper dissects the critical concepts of “Cultural Criticism and Society” in order to make understandable how they are made relevant to the interpretation of artefacts. With reference to cultural studies in the social sciences, which since the 1980s have increasingly emphasised readings and appropriations of culture(s), the aim in the second section is to take into account the whole context –production/trans­mis­sion/re­ception– for the analysis of cultural artefacts in order to reconstruct their so­cial meaning.


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How to Cite

Resch, C. . (2022). ¿La sociedad como una ’prisión al aire libre’? ’Crítica cultural y sociedad’ como base de una estética de la interacción. Constelaciones. Revista De Teoría Crítica, (14), 59–82. Retrieved from https://constelaciones-rtc.net/article/view/4976