About the Journal
Focus and Scope
In the current journal of philosophy there is no forum for discussion and dissemination of attempts to update the Critical Theory in Ibero-America. This prompted us to set up a meeting and discussion between those who believe that critical theory has something significant to contribute to the task of unraveling the social, cultural and political situation.
In the areas of Social Sciences, Cinema, Audiovisual Communication, Art Criticism, Cultural Criticism, Aesthetics and Art Theory, Ethics and Moral Philosophy and Politics, Philosophy, Art History, History and Theory of Education, Music, Politics, Sociology, Theory of Literature, etc.. witnessing an intensification of dialogue with representatives of a tradition of thought that, in times of deep crisis and an unprecedented dimming historical horizon, became a radical critique and intellectual responsibility indispensable critical theory in a form of praxis social consistent with those times. Such criticism is inspiring some current attempts to deal responsibly theoretical and practical challenges of this, which this magazine aims to host.
We do not intend to feed any orthodoxy or succumbing to the enchantment of the alleged disputes between heirs, legitimate or not, some thinkers raised against his will to philosophical pantheon. We seek to join forces so far isolated theorists who work in this area, help provide visibility within the general philosophical production, contributing to strengthen the continuity of debate and exchange, as has occurred has been immensely fruitful, and organize and promote discussions on current and relevance of critical theory to decipher the present and the economic, political or ideological society.
The magazine editors wish to emphasize the connection between social theory, cultural theory and theory of subjectivity, a constellation that has characterized it since its origins in critical theory and which continues to the present. Only from such a constellation and as a specific self-reflection can now continue to demand philosophy.
Section Policies
Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed
Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed
Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed
Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed
Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed
Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed
Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed
Peer Review Process
The documents received in writing for publication in Constelaciones. Revista de Teoría Crítica undergo a formal review and peer review.
The first will ensure the relevance of the work presented in relation to the theme and scope of the journal, in addition to meeting the formal criteria of general rules for presentation of original set out in paragraph INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS.
The second will ensure the scientific quality of the papers, according to the standards of the scientific community (peer review, without identifying the author).
The authors will receive information from each of the decisions taken by the email that have been included in the presentation of their work.
Publication Frequency
Constelaciones. Revista de Teoría Crítica publishes one issue a year. The volume of published material is concentrated in a issue appearing in December of each year.
Reviewers List 2009-2012
Amengual, Gabriel (Illes Balears, España)
Arribas, Sonia (Barcelona, España)
Ayllón, María (Salamanca, España)
Duarte, Rodrigo (Belo Horizonte, Brasil)
Durāo, Fábio (Campinas, Brasil)
Forster, Ricardo (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Holloway, John (Puebla, México)
Kallermann, Arne (Berlin, Alemania)
Lastória, Nabuco (Araraquara, Brasil)
López, Pablo (Madrid, España)
Maura, Eduardo (Madrid, España)
Mayorga, Juan (Madrid, España)
Muñoz, Blanca (Madrid, España)
Pilatowsky, Mauricio (México, México)
Pucci, Bruno (Piracicaba, Brasil)
Romero, José Manuel (Alcalá, España)
Rosatelli, Jacopo (Turin, Italia)
Sánchez, Juan José (Madrid, España)
Vaz, Alexandre F. (Florianópolis, Brasil)
Vieira de Carvalho, Mário (Lisboa, Portugal)
Zuin, António (São Carlos, Brasil)
Reviewers List 2013-2018
Sonia Arribas
María Ayllón
Daniel Barreto
Rosa Benéitez Andrés
Natalia Buier
Wolfgang Bock
Werner Bonefeld
Álvaro Briales
Iray Carone
Rodrigo Duarte
Fabio Akcelrud Durao
Chaxiraxi Escuela Cruz
Alexandre Fernández Vaz
José Fernández Vega
Amaro Fleck
Renato Franco
Pablo Frau Buron
Stefan Gandler
Jorge García
Duglas Garcia Alves Júnior
Luis Ignacio García García
Luiz Roberto Gomez
Benno Herzog
Stefan Klein
Pablo López Álvarez
Silvia L. López
Nabuco Lastoria
Wolfgang Leo Maar
Jordi Magnet Colomer
Eduardo Maura Zorita
Facundo Nahuel Martín
Clara Navarro Ruiz
Ricardo Pagliuso
Mauricio Pilatowsky
Ricardo Pinilla
Bruno Pucci
César Rendueles
Jorge Riechmann
Alberto Riesco
José Manuel Romero Cuevas
César Ruiz
Juan José Sánchez Benal
Camilo Sembler
Claudia Supelano-Gross
Sergio Tischler
Miguel Vedda
Javier Waiman
Antonio S. A. Zuin
Sources of Support
Journal History
La revista nació después del congreso El pensamiento de Th. W. Adorno: balance y perspectivas, celebrado en Palma de Mallorca (España) durante tres días a principios de mayo de 2006. Los resultados de aquél encuentro se materializaron al año siguiente con la publicación de un volúmen con el texto de las ponencias discutidas y el texto de la conferencia inaugural del Dr. Rolf Tiedemann. Tres años más tarde, 2009, apareció el primer número de Constelaciones, concebida para llenar un vacío que el congreso dejó en evidencia.