Moral dispositions, Gender and Capitalism: Some Remarks on a Close link


  • Estelle Ferrarese Université de Picardie Jules Verne


gender, capitalism, Theodor W. Adorno, moral dispositions, moral subjectivation, care


Theodor W. Adorno urged us to consider the ever-present threat of a sociopolitical neutralization of the conditions necessary for morality. This paper examines the enduring relevance of his diagnosis of "bourgeois coldness" in the context of precarious labor. I argue that the prevalent thesis of an emotional phase of capitalism is flawed for two key reasons. First, it posits the existence of robust moral dispositions redirected toward improper objects, thereby overlooking the plurality of mechanisms of moral subjectivation at play. Second, it disregards the persistent logic of gender that underpins and structures the distribution of these dispositions.


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How to Cite

Ferrarese, E. (2024). Moral dispositions, Gender and Capitalism: Some Remarks on a Close link. Constelaciones. Revista De Teoría Crítica, (16), 140–156. Retrieved from