Dialectical Universalism and the Impossibility of Gender Identity


  • Alexandra Colligs Universität Kassel


universalism, identity, critical theory


The article argues that a viable concept of universalism is needed to uphold the hope of a better life for all. How such a concept of universalism could be developed is critically discussed with reference to two currently influential models of universalism, drawing on the work of Judith Butler and Omri Boehm and especially their considerations of (gendered) identity. Both philosophical models are then confronted with the concept of a dialectical universalism, which translates the insights from the previous discussion into an approach of its own.


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How to Cite

Colligs, A. (2024). Dialectical Universalism and the Impossibility of Gender Identity. Constelaciones. Revista De Teoría Crítica, (16), 97–115. Retrieved from https://constelaciones-rtc.net/article/view/5685