Translating the Aporias of Modernity: the Frankfurt School and Argentina



Frankfurt School, Argentina, Modernity, Reception, Poscoloniality


The “Institute for Social Research” was founded and maintained thanks to the fortune of the Argentine grain trader, Felix J. Weil. Its circle of theorists, known as the “Frankfurt School” since the 1960s, never thematized the anchoring of “critical theory” in the colonial structure of modernity. However, they did reveal the aporetic character of capitalist modernity's development, and exemplarily theorized it as the “dialectic of the Enlightenment”, where a (post)colonial theory of the modern as a world-system asymmetrically integrating “central” and “peripheral” modernities is latent. This paper studies the relationship between the Frankfurt School and Argentine intellectual history in three main phases: (1) between the founding of the Institute in 1923 and the emergence of Peronism in Argentina; (2) between Peronism and the military dictatorship of 1976-1983; (3) in the post-dictatorship years up to the present day. The hypothesis that guides this work is simple: remembering the Argentine origins of the Frankfurt School is a way of promoting the “remembrance of nature within the subject”, which in this case is the subject of critical theory itself.


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How to Cite

García, L. I. (2023). Translating the Aporias of Modernity: the Frankfurt School and Argentina. Constelaciones. Revista De Teoría Crítica, (15), 220–250. Retrieved from