Hacia una teoría crítica de la digitalidad. Günther Anders en la era del capitalismo de plataformas y las tecnocracias inteligentes


  • Anna Verena Nosthoff Princeton University
  • Felix Maschewski Universität Basel


Günther Anders, cybernetics, critical theory, tecnopolitics, technocracy, digitalization, postpolitics, critique of technology


Various media-theoretical studies have recently characterized the fourth in­dus­trial revolution as a process of all-encompassing technicization and cyber­ne­tization. Against this background, this paper seeks to show the timely and cri­tical potential of Günther Anders’s magnum opus Die Antiquiertheit des Men­schen vis-à-vis the ever-increasing power of cybernetic devices and net­works. Anders has both witnessed, and negotiated, the process of cyberne­tization from its very beginning, having criticised not only its tendency of auto­matization and expansion, but also the circular logic and the “integral power” it rests upon, including the destructive consequences for the consti­tution of the political and the social. In this vein, Anders’s oeuvre can indeed shed new light on the techno-logically organized milieus of the contemporary digital regime. The aim of the essay is, thus, not only to emphasize the con­tem­porariness of Anders’s critical thought and to highlight his advanced understanding of technology compared to representatives of early critical theory, but also use it to frame a critique vis-à-vis current neo-technocratic and, ultimately, post-political concepts, such as “algorithmic regulation”, “smart states”, “direct technocracy”, and “government as platform”. The essay finally seeks to, through Anders’s lens, address the question of the position and role of the critic in relation to ever expanding technical environments.


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How to Cite

Nosthoff, A. V., & Maschewski, F. (2022). Hacia una teoría crítica de la digitalidad. Günther Anders en la era del capitalismo de plataformas y las tecnocracias inteligentes. Constelaciones. Revista De Teoría Crítica, (14), 322–346. Retrieved from https://constelaciones-rtc.net/article/view/4978