El rugido desde la realidad: algunas coordenadas sobre el pop en Diedrich Diederichsen



Diedrich Diederichsen, pop, esfera pública, industria cultural, vida


This article sets out to trace some of the elements that articulate the notion of pop in the German cultural critic Diedrich Diederichsen. To do so, it will initially present the triple division he proposes in his understanding of the culture industry -which explicitly complicates Adorno and Horkheimer's proposal- and allows pop (with special emphasis on pop music) to be situated as part of the second stage of the division. From this contextualisation, some of the distinctions, problems and tensions that Diederichsen finds in pop music will be established, with special emphasis on its "indicative character" [Indexical]. The second part of the text deals specifically with the problem of life in pop: on the one hand, from the binomial between Loop and Weiter and, on the other, from the notion of the subject that emerges from it from three axes: participation, pose and vitality.


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How to Cite

Hervás, M. (2022). El rugido desde la realidad: algunas coordenadas sobre el pop en Diedrich Diederichsen. Constelaciones. Revista De Teoría Crítica, (14), 218–247. Retrieved from https://constelaciones-rtc.net/article/view/4878