The Metaphysics of Capital: Fetishism and Nihilism



metaphysic, capital, abstraction, fetishism, nihilism


Our hypothesis is that the becoming-commodity of capitalist relations is proportional to the nihilistic consummation of the long-lasting categories of Western metaphysics. Capitalism has metaphysical roots expressed in the dual structure of the merchandise (value and use value) and in the two-faceted nature of the work that produces them (concrete and abstract). In the social space of capital, the long-term temporalities of Western metaphysics are refunctionalized. As with the longue durée temporalities of language, monotheism, patriarchy and male domination, capital re-functionalizes the categories of Western metaphysics relatively heterogeneously and synchronously asymptotically to put them at the service of the extended reproduction of value-that-is-valued.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Varela, G., & Exposto, E. (2020). The Metaphysics of Capital: Fetishism and Nihilism. Constelaciones. Revista De Teoría Crítica, 11(11-12), 331–352. Retrieved from