Strong State, Sound Economy: Carl Schmitt and the Total State



totalitarian theory, liberal theory, fascism


Carl Schmitt’s concept of “total state” was formulated to describe the liberal state of the Weimar Republic that intervenes in all spheres of human life, overcoming the division between state and society. It is a total state by weakness since it is unable to curb social demands and to face the pluralism of interests of the political parties, which is followed by the subsequent bet on a real total state, called qualitative, thinking along the lines of the Italian fascist state: only a qualitative total state would be able to depoliticize society, overriding the interests of groups that seek to control the state, as a result, with non-intervention in the economy. Marcuse’s way to deal with this concept, using the term total-authoritarian state in reference to the qualitative total state, helps us comprehend the intimate relation between fascism and liberalism.


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Biografia Autor

Felipe Alves da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo

Mestrando em Filosofia (FFLCH-USP). Bolsista CNPq.


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Como Citar

Felipe Alves da Silva. (2022). Strong State, Sound Economy: Carl Schmitt and the Total State. Constelaciones. Revista De Teoría Crítica, (13). Obtido de