The Commodity–Producing Patriarchy. Thesis on Capitalism and Gender Relations


  • Roswitha Scholz


Patriarchy, Capitalism, Feminism, Critique of Value, Splitting of Value


The paper some theoretical features of gender relations from the theory of the splitting of value. Today’s assimetric gender relations may not be analyzed anymore in the same sense as the “classical”, modern gender relations; nevertheless, it is indispensable to gain some clarity on the origins of the history of modernization. For this purpose, the main theoretical referent, along with Adorno’s Critical Theory, is a new fundamental critical theory of “value” and of “abstract labor” understood as a further development of Marx’s critique of political economy. The leading representants of this theoretical stream in the last decades have been Robert Kurz and. Partly, Moishe Postone. The author pretends to give a feminist turn to their approaches and to discuss some postmodern tendencies of individualization.


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How to Cite

Scholz, R. (2016). The Commodity–Producing Patriarchy. Thesis on Capitalism and Gender Relations. Constelaciones. Revista De Teoría Crítica, 5(5), 44–60. Retrieved from