Adorno and the disintegration of aesthetic materials. Language, territory, body and neoavantgards
Adorno, aesthetic materials, language, territory, bodyAbstract
The present work aims to make a materialist reinterpretation of the concept of aesthetic material from the diagnosis of its disintegration in Th. W. Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory. For this purpose, we first reconstruct some of the specialized works on Adornian aesthetics, which allow us to read the transition from the «musical material» of the early texts to the construction of the general concept of «aesthetic material» in the late Adorno. Then, the Adornian thesis of «aesthetic material disintegration» is developed by means of four socio-historical mediations, which cut across Adornian aesthetics but guide us beyond art and philosophy to other materialities of the 1960s that have also been read as decaying: the linguistic mediation that points to the historical state of the German language filtered by the Anglicization of the West and the emergence in Germany of the «kanak sprak» dialect; the territorial mediation that points to the processes of reconstruction of Frankfurt and the division of German soil during the Cold War; the bodily mediation that aims to recover the traces in the Adornian text of the collaborative physical work with Gretel Karplus; and as a final open reflection, the mediation of the neo-avantgardes, pointing to Adorno’s position against the happening in the context of the student conflict, and the discussion with the theories of the dematerialization of art, the turn towards reception and the aesthetics of the experience.
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