For a Critical Theory of Authoritarianism: Formal democracy and bourgeois relationships of domination



liberal democracy, authoritarianism, authoritarian personality, domination, neoliberalism


The text begins with a reconstruction of the relationship between liberal democracy and authoritarianism based on some of Adorno’s works about the research on the authoritarian personality, showing how the passage between those moments should be understood by the formal limitations of the first. Then, Horkheimer's concept of authority will be reconstructed, as it complements and deepens the theses developed by Adorno. Finally, the essay contains provisional reflections on the possibility of using the concepts of critical theory to understand the links between the transformations of the neoliberal period and the rise of authoritarian and extreme right movements.


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How to Cite

Puzone, V. (2022). For a Critical Theory of Authoritarianism: Formal democracy and bourgeois relationships of domination. Constelaciones. Revista De Teoría Crítica, (13). Retrieved from