Antinomies of Morality in the administered world in Theodor W. Adorno



Administered World, Freedom, Moral action, Materialism, Praxis


This paper proposes to analyze some central moments of Adorno's moral reflection based on his materialist conception of philosophy and his question of the possibility of praxis in the administered world. The materialistic impulse of his philosophy is aimed at the discovery of hidden mechanics in rational socialization that means the "blocking of freedom" and the progressive liquidation of the individual. The search for adequate ways of thinking and acting in the administered world to resist violence became the fundamental motive in Adorno's works.


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Author Biography

Chaxiraxi Escuela Cruz, Universidad de La Laguna

Profesora Contratada Doctor.

Sección de Filosofía Facultad de Humanidades. Universidad de La Laguna


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How to Cite

Escuela Cruz, C. (2022). Antinomies of Morality in the administered world in Theodor W. Adorno. Constelaciones. Revista De Teoría Crítica, (13). Retrieved from