Auschwitz como punto de desencuentro entre Th. W. Adorno y M. Foucault


  • Guillermo Hernández Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


dialéctica negativa, Auschwitz, biopolítica, protohistoria, genealogía


In this article I will try to show the difficulty of accounting about the historical singularity of Auschwitz from Michel Foucault's biopolitical approaches. I will try to demostrate that genealogy gives meaning to something that has no meaning, and that the dialectical-negative treatment of Th. W. Adorno is a much more adequate interpretation, both for Auschwitz and for the present, than the dialectical-negative treatment of Th. W. Adorno. In addition, I will try to show that the warning of the impending catastrophe is only possible from the dialectical-negative approach of Th. W. Adorno's approaches.


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How to Cite

Hernández, G. (2022). Auschwitz como punto de desencuentro entre Th. W. Adorno y M. Foucault . Constelaciones. Revista De Teoría Crítica, (13). Retrieved from