Siegfried Kracauer Reads The Theory of the Novel A Chapter in the Reception History of György Lukács



Messianism; Weimar Republic; Critical Theory


The article analyses a turning point in Siegfried Kracauer’s theoretical development: his reception of György’s Lukács’ The Theory of the Novel. In Kracauer’s interpretation, the 1916 essay on the form of the novel offered significative elements for the development of a potentially realist criticism of messianic standpoints, which sought an overcoming of capitalist misery without any “transitions”. Kracauer’s letters to L. Löwenthal, Th. W. Adorno, M. Susman, and E. Bloch show how two opposite concepts of criticism were in dispute during the German interwar period. Moreover, Kracauer’s understanding of The Theory of the Novel significantly conditioned his repudiation of Lukács’ ulterior Marxist theory.


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How to Cite

Chicote, F. (2022). Siegfried Kracauer Reads The Theory of the Novel A Chapter in the Reception History of György Lukács. Constelaciones. Revista De Teoría Crítica, (13). Retrieved from