“An Artistic Game with Whip and Torture.” Jean Amery on Torture in Film


  • Sven Kramer Leuphana Universität Lüneburg


Jean Amery, torture, cinema, representation, commitment, realism, aestheticism


This paper presents the film reviews written by Jean Améry regarding torture. Given the importance of Améry's reflections on torture gives, it seems relevant to take into account his assessments of its different filmic representations. The rejection of any form of aesthetization and the defense of filmic realism has an ethical and political motivation, but this finally proves not to be enough to address the representation of torture.


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How to Cite

Kramer, S. (2016). “An Artistic Game with Whip and Torture.” Jean Amery on Torture in Film. Constelaciones. Revista De Teoría Crítica, 7(7), 60–75. Retrieved from https://constelaciones-rtc.net/article/view/1078