


Constelaciones. Revista de Teoría Crítica has been published annually and with free access since 2009. The journal does not have much institutional support and does not rely on anything more than the volunteer work of its editors. The journal does not generate revenue from subscriptions and lacks other financial support. We reach out to the readers and connoisseurs of our journal to support it with a donation.

It may be a small donation of EUR 5, 10, or 20. For this purpose, we have set up a secure PayPal donation page which, in addition, accepts donations made with major credit cards. It is also possible to make a bank transfer to our account: Society of Critical Theory Studies IBAN ES83 0073 0100 5504 9891 9386 (SWIFT / BIC: OPENESMM).

To those who respond to this appeal, thank you in advance for your help and support.

Editorial Board.