Critical Theory, Ordoliberalism and the Capitalist State
Palabras clave:
autoritarismo, ordoliberalismo, estado capitalista, forma estado, forma valor, teoría del valor, neoliberalismo, teoría crítica, teoría del estado, estado fuerteResumen
In this contribution, the author uses the concept of the state as the political form of capitalist society to shed light on the state theories of two intellectual currents that were heavily marked by crisis of capitalism during the interwar period, namely the Freiburg school of ordoliberals and the Institute for Social Research or Institut fur Sozialforschung (IfS). Though politically opposed, both intellectual currents argued that the free market, left to its own devices, produces crises that lead to the collapse of the relatively autonomous form of the liberal state (Rechtsstaat), and thus to undesirable forms of state intervention and administration. Today, liberal capitalism is said to be in crisis once again. For this reason, this paper compares and contrasts two historic approaches to the “liberal state-economy relation in crisis” and considers their implications for critical theories of the state today.
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